here's the scoop,im the most clumsiest girl alive.
To add on that i can never eat a pathetic cone of
ice cream properly.*laughs*
im a total opposite of what people think of me at
first glance but hey im still
approachable in any way possible allright.
I do not live normally because to me,normal is very
much of a boring term to describe life.
80 % of my friends are males because i cant stand it
when females gossip.
Im proud to say that they're the key to my happiness.
I fancy the word DIFFERENT.
If you were to poses anything that gots to do with the
word different,YOURE TOTALLY RAD!(:
i do not like saying im allright when im not.
I dont like putting on a fake smile coz thats bullshit.
i'll come to my senses the very second you apologize.
Im a very positive person when it comes to looking forward.
im not saying that i dont have insecurities.
Trust me i do,like LOADS of them.
But if your planning to take away the positive outlook
in my life then i suggest you to not waste your god
forgiven time because you'll be better off being seen
as invincible in my eyes.
The word 'Authenticity' describes me best.
i find the puma as the most gorgeous creature alive.
ouw & im a freak when it comes to music.:)