Look around,the world is full of perplexities,puzzlements and peculiarities,all just begging to be explained.But what happens when the world runs out of answers,answers which will determine what we are going to prioritize in our future.Sometimes being a person is so confusing.Our minds like to ponder about things that are unecessary.Its sad to say though,because some of this unecessary thoughts will bother you,making you feel insecure and unreasonable.When human's start to be too observant,things might just go out of hand.Words will hurt and actions will make matters worst.I sometimes wish humans would be a little more thoughtful towards what they say about another because i believe in karma(what comes around,goes around).
And to me,karma is the most cruel punishment that exists.To discriminate others totally reflects on the type of person you are.Dont you realise that you're discriminating yourself too? :/
Its just pityful to think about what karma does to people like you and its even frightening when you try visualing.To every mean person out there, i hope u would take a step back to remind yourself about what life is really about so you could refrain from a cursed future.Good luck to those who insist on stubborness.Stop being so difficult.Its better to prevent than to risk.Start doing good,it'll help you people alot.Spiritually & mentally.Take late Mother teresa for example.Im sure she'll touch that cold blooded heart of yours.I'll leave you with one of her enlightening quotes.
" If you judge people,you will have no time to love them " - mother teresa