Its funny how can life go by so fast.
How a small wrong step could end your life or how short time can seem when you start loving something so much.
Not knowing when it'll drift away from you,you just carry on giving the fullest amount of compassion you can give.
Its heartbreaking when things go wrong.Especially towards someONE who puts u to peace,calms your mind or even makes you feel like you belong somewhere somehow.
The desire for her warmth never seems to stop hoping you would feel it everyday when you get back home.
She greets you at the door,she sleeps on your skin,she accompanies you whenever you feel lonely.She may be an animal but she caters to your emotions more than how a human could ever do.Tell me how am i supposed to let go of something so precious like that in just a blink of an eye.
2 hours ago she was just right infront of my eyes,playing with her favourite stuffed toy,mr fish.How could i be so careless,how could i not see it coming when i've experienced it myself a few days back.
It was a sign and i was just too blind to even realize it.Now im shedding tears knowing she'll never come back.Digging into my own heart to make her know that she was more than something to me,she was SOMEONE.She was so special,even more special than the people who i cared for.She was my babygirl and now she's gone.
This opened up my eyes,you can never be too sure about anything.In a snap,it might just vanish.
It happened so sudden.No,too sudden that is.Watching her grow so fast,it hurts so much to even think of how unfair things can get for her sometimes.She was my princess who loves attending to everyone's needs.She's always updating herself on us.She's always concern,you can tell.At least i could,even mum knows.Now,I can no longer hear her bells ringing,or feel her warmth on my bare skin.I have no choice but too accept change.But i just want her to know this...
the very day i found you.i knew you needed me.you cuddle in my arms so perfectly,like a baby in a mother's care.You stared at me so innocently with those round green eyes.You were gorgeous.Even more beautiful then the sunset.You dont know how much u mean to me.Akeem is my poetry,but you were the lyrics.
thank you camy,for guiding me through the hardest times eventhough we're from seperate worlds.You understood me.And thats what i treasure most.I love you.I heart you and I'll always remember you.Your name's engraved in my heart.Forever will it be babygirl.