Turn the music on loud and shake the stress off.
Thats what i intend to do in the next couple of hours to come.
It's been hectic with school occupying almost every minute of my time.
Oh shit,and the stress of the o levels are beginning to scare me out of my undies.
Time's running too fast and im still walking at my own pace.
Wake up call.ring a bell.
He had to leave for a mission 3 days ago and as lonely as i was,i did not complain.
Never,na-da,zero-O.I was at peace knowing his out there trying to prepare himself
for the worst.If it were to happen,he would be the first to sacrifice all that he has made possible.
How thoughtful of him,it takes much courage to face the most fearsome future,you know.
What a hero i thought to myself as I heard the sound of the guns blasting away on the
morning of the 19th.He could handle the most hastiest situations so well,which most
of it includes me.Its just an honour to be known as his.You've changed the way i see life,now
even the most disturbing sight of you seems to paint such a beautiful picture.Glad?yes,no doubt.
And i'll assure you this,
I'll fall together with you when your knees touch the ground.
I'll sink together with you when tears starts to lure you to drown.
I'll still hold your hand even if you were to lose an arm.
I'll still hug you if your smothered in mud.
I'll accept you at your worst,so dont be shy.
Im more than just a girlfriend.I am your reflection.
If you go through troubled times,you'll never have to feel insecure because im your sheild.
And you're my armour.
Remember when we used to call ourselves the male and female versions of each other ?
Well,we still are,because despite the things we do,i do see me in you,vice versa.
Our desire and passion is just so intense.Its shown that we are indeed different from the rest.Its no mutual infatuation but the devotion is just so selfless.Im fond of everything that is so delicate about you.This is the best i can do with words.Forgive me if i ever did harm you or offend you.I pray that the purity of your touch will remain in me always.To us...
Amour,never seperated.