Q has always been there,no matter what.i love you b.
Pure sincerity or what..haha!Im smiling widely now.
This is the definition of why i cant stop loving him.
Trust me there is no one like him,your just so cute.
Emotional & soft hearted.Baby your beautiful to me.
Bitches,you got to envy me now coz i have the greatest
babyboy in the world no doubting that.
I bet u girls are turning green reading this post
ahahaha.toooo baddd he wants mee not youuuu..
*sticks tounge out*
Ok i'll take back what i said about today.It's the most wonderful feeling ever.Im in love like how a fat kid loves cake.For my case its Coffee.Starbucks,here i come.
signing off feeling all relaxed and lovely.thank you.*kisses*
Mybe i should get into fights more often...Im loving the feeling,haha.